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Award-winning, Vegan, Pear, Chia, and Tofu Sorbet Recipe for a Natural Energy Boost
Vegan Pear, Chia, and Tofu Energy-Boosting Sorbet This tasty, vegan sorbet recipe won in a competition and awarded me the …
Vegan Tofu, Cashew and Maple Ice-cream Recipe
Healthy Tofu, Cashew, and Maple ice cream This dairy-free ice cream is a very rich and guilt-free ice cream that …
Tofu Choco Banana
Tofu Choco Banana This Friday is Good Friday, meaning Easter is upon us this weekend! What better way to celebrate …
Blancmange This is a rich and creamy blancmange that incorporates soymilk and tahini (the secret ingredient to make it really …
Tofu Cheesecake
Tofu Cheesecake This cheesecake is delightfully rich and creamy without any dairy products—and it is also extremely nutritious. INGREDIENTS Base …
Vegan Tofu, Cashew and Maple Ice-cream Recipe
Tofu, Cashew, and Maple Ice-cream This dairy ice cream is a very rich and creamy ice-cream that is easy to make. …