Koji -the secret behind Japanese fermented foods and drinks

Koji: The delicious fermented Japanese food that will revolutionise your health


Why should you include Koji in your diet?

Apart from its great taste, there are a number of reasons Koji is an essential part of a healthy diet in Japan. Koji is filled with healthy enzymes and strong probiotics, which means you will not lose as many nutrients by cooking it. These enzymes and probiotics are amazing for replenishing the good bacteria in your stomach and helping you have a happier, healthier gut

A healthy gut will not only help with digestion and make you feel better, but it is also fantastic for building a healthy immune system which I am sure is at the forefront of everyone’s minds with the current pandemic situation.


Dried koji is now available outside of Japan! 


What is Koji?

Now that you know the incredible health benefits of Koji, I am sure a lot of you are wondering what it actually is. Koji is the name of a fungus called Aspergillus Oryzae. It is a staple part of many different ingredients frequently used in Japanese cuisine such as soy sauce, mirin, rice vinegar, sake, miso and amazake. Koji is often fermented with grains or legumes and mixing koji with rice is also a very popular way to consume it. Combining rice and koji and letting it ferment produces approximately 400 compounds including glucose, B vitamins, minerals and more. 


Food and drinks that use koji to ferment 

Don’t worry! It is SUPER EASY to add to your diet 

It is essential to know how you can include koji in your meals so that you can also reap these amazing health benefits, especially since it can be difficult to consume food like soy sauce or miso regularly if you are not Japanese.Luckily, there is a solution. I’m sure most of you use salt and sugar regularly in your cooking. Fortunately, you can use salt koji, which is fermented rice salt, as a substitute for salt and amazake, which is a naturally sweet, fermented rice, as a substitute for sugar. And the best part is that you can easily make or buy salt koji and amazake. Personally, I actually prefer salt koji to regular salt because it has a nice umami flavour to it as well.

Now that you know all the wonderful things koji can do for your health and how to add it to your diet, be sure to try it out and see for yourself!


Salt koji is a natural umami enhancer – healthier and tastier substitute for salt 


Hope you understand this yummy fungus and  get to use koji fermented foods and drinks including salt koji or amazake in your diet!

If you want to cook more Japanese superfoods – real key for Japanese health, grab my latest edition Now!
Japanese superfoods cooking _vegan_cookbook



Do you know I run a cooking school in Sydney?

Please come and join my healthy Japanese superfoods cooking class in Sydney. We offer vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free cooking classes that are filled with tasty and easy recipes. You will learn not only cooking skills and tips but also how to use Japanese ancient wisdom on a daily basis for your health, energy, and beauty! Don’t be afraid to make it a group event, corporate team building cooking classes, hens party cooking classes and other group classes are available, the more the merrier! Join my cooking class from HERE or leave me an inquiry HERE.

You don’t live in Sydney?

Don’t worry, there are two ways to learn Japanese cooking with me.

NEW Japanese online cooking classes coming soon! More information to come, subscribe HERE so you don’t miss out!

ALSO twice per year I run an online Japanese 30 Day Challenge Course!! Focusing on weight loss and improving your health! Drop your email address HERE and we’ll notify you about the next challenge!

Plant Based Cookbooks

If you want to cook more easy and tasty Japanese vegan meals using Japanese superfoods – real key for Japanese health, please grab my vegan cookbook “Japanese Superfoods” or “Top 3 Japanese Superfoods for Natural Weightloss” or even better, you can have “Japanese Superfoods combo deal” to master Japanese Superfoods.

AND I am creating online Japanese cooking classes right now so stay tuned! I will let you know when it is ready!

Happy Japanese superfoods cooking xx

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    Have you been tired of being overweight or worried about your health?

    I’ve created a fabulous free e-book “Top 3 Japanese superfoods for natural weight loss”. It has tips to lose weight using the top 3 Japanese superfoods that support weight loss plus yummy and easy recipes to use! Enjoy!