Vegan Creamy Miso Leek Recipe

Vegan Creamy Miso Leek Recipe

Miso is not just for miso soup or Japanese dishes! With its versatility, miso can elevate your favourite dishes to give a depth of flavour. Not only does it enhance the taste, it adds extra nutrition that offers amazing benefits. A Japanese study has proposed that incorporating fermented soy products like miso into our diet could contribute to improved overall health and increased longevity (1).

Did you know that Leek is also highly beneficial for our health? The superpowers of leeks can be attributed to their organosulfur compounds, which are phytochemicals known to potentially offer immune-boosting benefits. Studies indicate that these compounds contribute to strengthening the immune system and providing defence against inflammation (2).

The heavenly combination of miso and soy milk is one of the most underrated duos in the cooking world. Creamy miso broth perfectly marries into the leek, which makes it easier to eat the whole leek without wasting parts you might normally throw out. It also adds additional colour and flavour to the dish as a whole.



Serves 4 

  • 2 leeks  
  • 2 teaspoons of olive oil
  • 1/2 litre vegetable stock   
  • 1/2 cup soymilk
  • 1 tablespoon of  young white miso
  • Salt and pepper   


  1. Cut the green part off the leek julienne.   
  2. Cut the white part of the leeks in 5 centimetres, then wash well.
  3. Heat olive oil and fry the white leek on both sides until golden then pour the stock and simmer with a lid until tender.   
  4. Dissolve the white miso into the stock then add soymilk and green part of the leek and simmer for few minutes. Season with salt and pepper. This leek sauce can be great for grilled chicken or fish.   

*** Please slowly warm up the soy milk and miso. Don’t boil! Otherwise it will lose its creamy flavour and nutritional benefits!



  1. Katagiri, R., Sawada, N., Goto, A., Yamaji, T., Iwasaki, M., Noda, M., Iso, H., & Tsugane, S. (2020). Association of soy and fermented soy product intake with total and cause specific mortality: prospective cohort study. BMJ, m34.
  2. Ruhee, R. T., Roberts, L. A., Ma, S., & Suzuki, K. (2020). Organosulfur Compounds: A Review of Their Anti-inflammatory Effects in Human Health. Frontiers in Nutrition7, 64.


This recipe is from my Japanese Superfoods Cookbook

If you want to know more about Japanese superfoods and how to use them in your cooking, grab a copy of my book!


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Plant Based Cookbooks

If you want to cook more easy and tasty Japanese vegan meals using Japanese superfoods – real key for Japanese health, please grab my vegan cookbook “Japanese Superfoods” or “Top 3 Japanese Superfoods for Natural Weightloss” or even better, you can have “Japanese Superfoods combo deal” to master Japanese Superfoods.

AND I am creating online Japanese cooking classes right now so stay tuned! I will let you know when it is ready!

Happy Japanese superfoods cooking xx

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